Toxic Workplace: Blog post 1
Forbes Article Summary
In this 2023 article, Shuster outlines the 7 key traits that determine a workplace to be toxic, as well as the dangerous impact this can have on an organization. She highlights that often only after a workplace experiences turnover and scandal, do they realize the root cause was the toxic environment. One example brought up is general disrespectful behaviour, between coworkers or between levels of management. Another trait is the habit of secrecy, or poor communication with the ill intentions. It is also noted that if the overall stress level in the environment is high, the reason for this might run deeper than just large workloads. The 4th toxic trait mentioned is excessive micromanaging, as this often leads to resentment in staff towards their leadership. The idea of favouritism is also touched on, and its detrimental effects on employees who are treated as lesser than. Another toxic trait is a lack of accountability, which can lead to blame shifting and leaves issues unresolved. One trait aimed more at management is failing to recognize employee's worth, which causes workers to feel undervalued. Shuster then explains steps she suggests one take if they are experiencing a toxic work environment. It's explained in most cases, toxicity trickles down from upper management, with the idea that if someone is treating another poorly, it will have a ripple effect and affect everyone down the line. By solving toxic traits at an upper level in an organization, there are higher chances that positive behaviour will be demonstrated by all workers under that management. Shuster also stresses the importance of conflict resolution, and collaboration within the team. Lastly it's explained that although the goal is to fix toxicity, sometimes the only option is to fire the toxic employee, if these methods provide no improvement. The conclusion emphasizes the importance of a healthy work environment and that it is often overlooked in it's ability to increase productivity.
Personal Relation
Personally I don't believe I've experienced a toxic workplace, but certainly an unhealthy one. A restaurant I worked at in the past harbored multiple of these traits summarized above, mainly management's failure to put worth in their employees. In my time there I consistently saw employees be hired, feel they were not receiving any feedback or direction in their role, and subsequently quit as a result. In this case, i believe it exhibits that the problem really was rooted higher up in management, as the owner of the restaurant was the main cause of managers misbehaviour, and employee's stress. I do think it would be possible to solve the internal issues, however it would take a lot of owning up to mistakes and taking accountability on everyone's part. unfortunately for those same reasons others left the workplace, I eventually did the same. However the silver lining is I now feel I can recognize when people are being treated unfairly, and feel more confident calling others out on it.
Shuster, L. (September 20, 2023) 7 Signs Of A Toxic Workplace And 7 Proven Remedies. Forbes.
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